Fact Finding Questions

  1. What is your greatest accomplishment in life.
  2. How was the adjustment from living in Europe to America
  3. What is the biggest struggle you have had in your life.
  4. Have you every been lied to in your life that strangle affected you.
  5. Have you had any near death experinces that strongle affected your life
  6.  Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?
  7. If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?
  8. Does nature shape our personalities more than nurture?
  9. Should people care more about doing the right thing, or doing things right?
  10. What one piece of advice would you offer to a newborn infant?
  11. Where is the line between insanity and creativity?
  12. What is true happiness?
  13. What things hold you back from doing the things that you really want to?
  14. What makes you, you?
  15. What is the truth?

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