Journalism Scavenger Hunt

Journalism Scavenger Hunt



This is an Internet research assignment to use as an introduction to journalism for students. This assignment requires a variety of research sources for students to use.

Name: Miller Kaufmann



What individual is responsible for writing the First Amendment?

List five facts about the First Amendment.

  1. It covers several human rights, including Free Speech
  2. It prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion,
  3. The bill of rights lists the first amendment.
  4. There are 45 words in the first amendments.
  5. James Madison wrote the first amendment.

What document lists the First Amendment?

Bill of rights

How many words are in the First Amendment?

45 words are in the first amendment

Define libel.

Defamation by written or printed words, pictures or any other written form

Define slander.

Defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing

What is the Pulitzer Prize? How much money does an individual win?

A US award for achievements in journalism, newspaper, literature, music etc. Created by Joseph Pulitzer the winning prize is $10,000

Name the movie, which reveals the role of the press in uncovering a story that forced a president to resign.

All the presidents’ men

Who is Mike Barnicle? From what newspaper was he fired and why?

Mike Barnicle is an award winning columnist and frequent national talk show personality. He worked for the Boston Globe. He was not fired from the Globe; he resigned due to allegations of Plagiarism.

Identify each of the following journalists and why they are famous:

Bob Woodward

Associate editor of the Washington Post- did the original reporting on the Watergate scandal

William Randolph Hearst

Created largest newspaper/magazine business in the world, establishing papers in 30 major cities

Helen Thomas

Arab-American author, white house correspondent, wrote from the Eisenhower campaign to the Obama campaign, retired in June of 2010

Who is Tom Brokaw and what books did he write?

Anchor and managing editor of the NBC Nightly News and he wrote “the Greatest Generation”

Who is Alan Diaz and why is he noteworthy?

Photographer, won the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for the US’s BORTAC seizure of Elian Gonzales

What motto does the New York Times print in its upper left corner?

“All the News that’s fit to Print”

What motto does the Apache Pow Wow print in its upper right corner?

“The World is Our Campus”

What is the Associated Press?

A global news network that delivers fast and unbiased news with 3,700 employees in more than 300 locations worldwide

What is Gannett?

Largest US Newspaper Publisher, holding 23 television stations and digital media

What is Knight Ridder?

American Media Company specializing in newspaper and Internet publishing bought by the McClatchy Company in 2006

What is the Freedom Forum?

Created in 1991 by Al Neuharth dedicated to the first amendment

What is the American Society of Newspaper Editors?

A membership of editors that trade ideas and relationships through an annual convention

Who is the founder of USA Today and where is he from? (Provide city and state)

Al H Neuharth, born in Eureka, South Dakota

How many newspapers does our school library carry?


What is the difference between a publisher and an editor?

Publisher job is to own the company and pay bills. The editor’s job is to decide on the content

Explain Tinker v. Des Moines. Why is it important to school press?

Debates the constitutional rights for US Public Schools, that caused the moderation of actions in schools about how to discipline the first amendment

Explain Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier. Why is it important to school press?

States that curricular student newspapers are subject to a lower level of protection than forms of student expression

Define yellow journalism.

Journalism that publicizes non-legitimate news in order to sell newspapers

Define censorships.

The suppression of speech or communication thought to be harmful as determined by the government

List five books that have been censored.

  1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Mark Twain
  1. Grapes of Wrath- John Steinbeck
  1. Last of the Wine- Mary Renault
  1. Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov
  1. Sylvester and the Magic Pebble- William Steig

Find the news story that won a Pulitzer Prize but was actually made up. Who wrote it? What was it about?

Janet Cooke’s Jimmy’s World won a Pulitzer Prize but it was actually made up. Jimmy’s World is a book about Jimmy’s world of hard drugs, fast money and the good life he believes both can bring. Every day, junkies casually buy heroin from Ron, his mother’s live in lover, in the dining room of Jimmy’s home

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